The Constitution

The Constitution 
de' Montmorency College of Dentistry 

in other words, the Disclaimer..!

This blog and its articles, posts, content do not reflect the thoughts or opinions of either myself, my company, my friends, other authors, or my rabbits. Don't quote me on that. Don't quote me on anything. 
All rights reserved. Patent pending...

This blog is not the official blog of de' Montmorency College of dentistry and has no legal affiliation with the aforementioned college.. It is a property of H.G., da Man, S., and other authors ( if they exist )... If anything written, expressed or presented in this blog offends you in anyway, you have NO right to complain or moan.. Though you have a complete sane right to GO TO HELL, whenever you want...

This blog is purely fictional, made-up, non-existent, legendary, mythical... Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental... e.g. H.G. aka Haris Ghole is not the Haris Ghole that you know, see, witness, dream, love, hate, detest, despise, plot things, or hear about... He is just a fictional character that exists in this blog, encaged in its limits.. He's an imposter, fraud, faker, shammer using H.G.'s name.. And so is S. and da Man and other names, labels, tags mentioned in this blog.. Don't bother relating, citing, quoting, gossiping, writing, referencing, or any-synonym-of-such-thingy; in real.. This is pure fiction...

Comments on this website are the sole responsibility of their writers and the writer will take full responsibility, liability, and blame for any libel or litigation that results from something written in or as a direct result of something written in a comment. The accuracy, completeness, veracity, honesty, exactitude, factuality and politeness of comments are not guaranteed... is this blog's email address...Intended for author-requests, post-requests, etc.. This blog has no affiliation with the C.R or the G.R, and we don't reply to emails if they aren't subjective... If you feel the need of contacting an author, Please stay on the line and someone will be with you when he/she feels the need...

Although it may claim otherwise, this blog does not offer legal, medical, psychiatric, veterinary, gynecological, archaeological, astronomical, astrological, ontological, paleontological, philosophical, axiological, audiological, bacteriological, mineralogical, criminological, terminological, dermatological, dental, ecclesiastical, campanological, phrenological, phonological, technological, hematological, campanological, neurological, psychobiological, urological, ufological, typological,, mythological, hydrological, xylological, zoological, logical or any other kind of professional advice. Nothing on this blog should be construed as professional advice including, but not limited to, the above list...

Don't take candy from strangers... or strange people... or anyone really... Right lane must turn right. Left lane must turn left. Middle lane must make up their damn minds... No salt, MSG, artificial color or flavoring added. If ingested, induce vomiting.  Approved for verterans veritarians... We reserve the right to check all bags, coats and personal belongings upon exiting this page...

This Blog is not recommended for inmates, ingrates or anyone professing an irrational fear of cats, bats, dogs or any other mammal, those who don't have a penchant for time wasting, illiterates and lawyers. Women who are pregnant or are nursing, are advised to consult their physician before reading this blog. Eating before reading may result in unhealthy indigestion. Not recommended for people over the age of 120...

Any reproduction of this blog’s content must credit the website by name and Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Should you link to this domain or use, reproduce, republish, regurgitate, repeat, reiterate, rebound, reecho, reverberate, mimic, imitate, parrot or duplicate the information contained on this website, you alone are responsible for that action and should, under threat of litigation, credit this website by name and URL...

Publication of information found on this blog may be in violation of the laws of the city, county, state, country or other jurisdiction from where you are viewing this website’s content and laws in your jurisdiction may not protect or allow the same kinds of speech or distribution. In the case that the laws of the jurisdiction where this website's content is maintained and those of yours conflict, this website does not encourage, condone, facilitate, recommend or protect the violation of any laws and cannot be responsible for any violations of such laws...

This blog contains no CFCs. Discontinue use if nausea or dizziness occurs. This blog runs on unleaded fuel only.. This blog is Sanitized for your protection.. Authors wash hands before writing... No animals were harmed in the preparation of this blog; only humans.
This Blog contains small parts and is not intended for use by children.
This page made from 100% recycled electrons...

 Read at your own risk.. Text may contain explicit materials some readers may find objectionable, parental guidance is advised.. May be too intense for some viewers. If something offends you, lighten up, get a life and move on. If condition persists, consult your physician, or dentist.. In the event of decreased air pressure, oxygen masks will pop out of the top of your monitor.. 

This website may inadvertently link to content that is obscene, prurient, useless, hate-filled, poisonous, pornographic, frivolous, empty, rotten, bad, disgusting, hostile, repulsive, virulent, infectious, malignant, antagonistic, irritating, obnoxious, harsh, embittered, rancorous, resentful, acrimonious, pestilential, baneful, noxious, toxic, venomous, pernicious or repetitive. This website in no way condones, endorses or takes responsibility for such content...

Please contact your local bar association, law society, neighborhood association of jurists, medical board, county hospital, phone book, online directory, local emergency number in your jurisdiction, mother or Google to find a or obtain a referral to a competent professional. If you do not have reasonable means of contacting an attorney-at-law, lawyer, civil law notary, barrister, solicitor, medical professional, coroner or any other professional in the area of your inquiry, meaning you are an orphaned, computer-illiterate social hazard, please exit this window and get your life in order...

This blog has no control over the information you access via outbound link(s) in the post text, sidebar, header, footer or comment sections. This blog does not endorse linked website(s), cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information found by following said links or the correctness of any analysis found therein and should not be held responsible for it or the consequences of a user’s use of that information. If you are curious about the veracity of something you find, please follow the directions in the above paragraph and consult the appropriate experts...

All trademarks, service marks, collective marks, design rights, personality rights, copyrights, registered names, mottos, logos, avatars, insignias and marks used or cited by this website are the property of their respective owners and this website in no way accepts any responsibility for an infringement on one of the above. Remember to pay gratitude to this blog and its authors. It is because of us, that our college is gaining popularity in the Elite. And this is real talk...

Keep away from sunlight, pets and small children. Keep away from seniors, juniors, flirters, teasers, riddlers, etc.. Keep away from your own self too.. if its disgustingly filthy.. If Anyone is offended by any post or Comment, He/She may complain to the admin aka H.G., he will make sure to offend that particular person even more in future.. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. I advice using your iPhones, iPods, iPads, iMac, Macbooks and other apple products daily... Nothing would keep dentists away though...

The information provided on this blog is of a general, broad, sweeping, large, wide-ranging, wide-reaching and wide-spread nature and cannot substitute for the advice of a licensed professional or chiropractor. A competent authority with specialized knowledge is the only one who can address the specific circumstances of your predicament. We can try, but this disclaimer frees us of any liability if negative consequences result from our efforts...

Disclaimer does not cover misuse, accident, lightning, flood, tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption, earthquake, hurricanes, or other Natural catastrophes, neglect, damage from improper use, incorrect line voltage, unauthorized use, unauthorized repair, improper installation, typos, broken antenna or marred cabinet, missing or altered serial numbers, electromagnetic radiation from nuclear blasts, sonic boom vibrations, customer adjustments that are not covered in this list, and incidents owing to an airplane crash, ship sinking or taking on water, motor vehicle crashing, dropping the item, falling rocks, leaky roof, broken glass, disk failure, accidental file deletions, mud slides, forest fire, hitting of a deer, milk coming out of your nose due to laughing while drinking, or projectiles, which can include, but are not limited to, arrows, bullet shots, BBs, shrapnel, lasers, napalm, torpedoes, emissions of X-rays, Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays, knives, stones, etc...

Terms are subject to change without notice. All decisions are final.. This supersedes all previous notices...

This disclaimer may not be copied or reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of whoever I stole it from...

The verbage above was NOT written by me.. I have no idea where I got it.. May be it fell from sky or something...